Anthony Kaduck – About me

Hi. I’m Anthony Kaduck and this is my personal site. (In this as in all things I am ably assisted by my bride and partner in crime Lynn). I am, inter alia, a guitarist, a birder, a keen cyclist, and a recently-retired officer with Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. I don’t claim to do any of these things particularly well, but I try! I am also a lifelong fan of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League. With respect to their status as the greatest of sports franchises I will brook no argument. Now if we could only take home the Cup…

Anthony Kaduck
Anthony Kaduck – Morocco 2013

8 thoughts on “Anthony Kaduck – About me”

  1. Very enjoyable description of your “biggish” year, Anthony.- great pictures too.

    Thank you for including me.

  2. I spoke to James Keelaghan once outside of the Capitol Theatre in Nelson B.C. to tell him how much I really liked his song “Princes of the Clouds”. He told me that it had been written by a Canadian Forces person called Tony Kaduck. If this is you I want to tell you how much that songs still has the power to give me ‘chicken skin’ and I want to thank you.

    1. Michael, thanks for your looking me up. It’s really great to hear that you enjoy the song.

  3. Hi Tony. My lady friend and I enjoyed your presentation at Queen’s today “Where the Birds Are” Thanks too for the links. I am eagerly awaiting spring so that I may get back to my nature walks. Been a long winter. I am not an avid birder myself (I can recognize some of the basics ….. Robin, Not-robin ) but I worked as a summer student at Presqui’le Park with Barry MacKay. He still does a couple of fine bird paintings a month. And when my wife was doing Family Medicine at Queen’s we were friends with Paul & Nittaya MacKenzie.

  4. Anthony
    Thank you for sharing your pictures in the shared ebird checklists for Saskatchewan Cranes trip

    1. Pat
      Thanks for your good company on the trip. I will try to post some photos and a trip report on this site.

  5. Hi Tony, It’s been, what 35 years since we worked together at FMC HQ?

    Still writing and publishing ballads?

    1. Hi Brent. Great to hear from you! There has been much water under the bridge since then.
      I’m still hanging in there, and so is my car. I don’t know if you remember my Mustang Cobra but after driving it for 26 years I re-homed it with a car enthusiast and it is out there winning prizes at car shows!

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