Travel – Places to go, great things to see
This page includes travel reports on a few places we have visited recently. As you might guess from the theme of this blog, our visits are mainly to places that have great art, architecture and historical sites, and ideally great restaurants as well. So if you are looking for the latest tips on bungee jumping in Sri Lanka this is the wrong place to be!
On the issue of cost, my accommodation and restaurant recommendations fit somewhere in the middle between budget and luxury. I am happy to splash out on a really good meal, even if that means eating picnic style for a few days. On the other hand the easiest way to run up your bills when travelling is to stay in luxurious accommodation. As long as we have a roof over our head, a decent bed in a clean room and a non-threatening local environment, we (my bride and I) would rather stay in a no-frills place and spend the difference on good food and cultural attractions.
My intent is to publish two parts to each site – a travel overview and a trip planner giving useful information on how to get around, where to eat etc. I am notoriously lazy so for now most of these are place holders.

We visited Venice on a long weekend in April 2014. I regret that I can’t recommend a hotel as we stayed in the Italian Army Officers’ Mess.
In May 2014 we took part in the Orkney Adventure conducted by Orkney Archaeology Tours (highly recommended!), then stayed on for a couple of additional days.

December 2012

Visited in April 2013 as a member of an AOS expedition, led by the redoubtable Josele J. Saiz.
December 2013