Black-chinned Mountain Tanager
The Black-chinned Mountain Tanager is today’s Bird of the Day feature.

This species inhabits moist forests in the Western Andes of Colombia and Ecuador at altitudes between 900 and 2,200m.
It was indeed a moist forest when this photo was taken, and grey and misty as well. In a whole day of birding I only managed to get the camera out of its waterproof bag a few times. So this is not a great image… but it’s atmospheric. 🙂
Status: Uncommon or locally fairly common in Ecuador, uncommon and very local in Colombia. Conservation status: Least Concern.
RNA ProAves Las Tangaras, Chocó District, Colombia, April 2019.
Swainson’s Thrush Recap – Bird of the Day #2

Originally posted to Facebook on 10 April 2020.
The second in the Bird of the Day series was the Swainson’s Thrush.
Swainson’s Thrush is a member of the genus Catharus . It and its similar-looking cousins the Veery, Hermit Thrush, Grey-cheeked Thrush and Bicknell’s Thrush breed in the boreal forest and winter in South America. Northbound birds will start to move through southern Ontario in a couple of weeks.
The Catharus genus also includes nine species of Nightingale-Thrushes, which, sadly, are non-migratory.
Status: Common to very common transient and winter resident in Colombia. Common transient across North America, common boreal forest breeding species. Conservation status: Least Concern.